
Early Intervention Programs


A key element of any cost containment program is early intervention. Early intervention can take on many forms. Our program is designed to deliver high-impact results based on documented outcomes.

Designed with flexibility in mind, our program may include one or more of the following services:

  • Loss Run Analysis: our staff reviews OSHA record-keeping logs, claims history and safety injury trends.
  • Jobsite Analysis: we perform on-site job evaluations that include observation and assessment of actual functions performed by the employee.
  • Ergonomics Assessment: this program identifies repetitious or awkward postures that pose the risk of workplace injury.

Deliverables from this program include:

  • Reduction in costs associated with workplace injuries
  • Elimination or reduction of work-related injuries
  • Improved productivity and morale
  • Establishment of essential functions, physical demands and skills required for job function