
Return-to-Work Services

Valir recognizes that a positive relationship between industry and healthcare service providers is critical in today’s workers’ compensation environment.

One of the strengths of the Valir Healthforce Return to Work program is our commitment to timely communication with employers and their injured employees. Our dedicated staff of therapists delivers care that produces exceptional results. Our outcomes are among the highest in the industry. The Valir Healthforce Return to Work program provides a systematic process to ensure employees are fit to return to their job or modified duties as quickly and safely as possible.

Our Return to Work program consists of four components:

  • Injury Management Services: Preventing injury is one of the foremost goals of the Valir Healthforce program. Injury prevention seminars are available to provide safety education customized to meet the specific needs of our clients.
  • Return-to-Work Testing: A critical component of effectively managing injured employees is providing a systematic process to ensure your employees are fit to return to their job or modified duties without an increase in liability upon their return. This program returns injured workers to work safely, reduces lost time, and lowers costs.
  • Functional Capacity Evaluation (FCE): A functional capacity evaluation is a process of measuring, recording, and analyzing an injured worker’s ability to perform functional work activities and tolerance in the work environment. The evaluation is used to compare baseline data, document existing impairments, improve consistency, and create realistic objective treatment goals and return-to-work recommendations. Our FCE results are reported in a format that is clear, concise, and is available within 48 hours.
  • Work Conditioning: The Valir Work Conditioning program is a medically monitored and individually progressed work-based program designed to restore a client’s strength, endurance, movement, and flexibility. Work Conditioning focuses on intense reconditioning and body retraining, which will prepare the employee for the rigors of full-time duty.

Physicians, employers, or insurance companies may refer workers to our Return to Work programs.